
Caving to Political Correctness:

Amazon removed a book critical of transgenderism by Ryan T. Anderson in February 2021. 

“As to your specific question about When Harry Became Sally, we have chosen not to sell books that frame LGBTQ+ identity as a mental illness,” the company said in a letter sent to a handful of U.S. Senators who had asked the company to explain the decision.

“Amazon notified the distributor via email of the removal of the book for violating our content guidelines on the day the book was removed from sale,” Brian Huseman, the corporation’s VP for public policy, said in the letter.

Source: Wall Street Journal 

The tech and publishing giant also removed a documentary that promoted the life story of conservative black Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Source: Cleveland Plain Dealer

Take the pledge to boycott Amazon and their products until they STOP undermining free speech and caving to woke cancel culture!



