Caving to Political Correctness:

The entertainment company caved to political correctness and also directed millions of dollars to Black Lives Matter. It also pulled its sponsorship of Tucker Carlson’s show after backlash from far-left political activists.

Sources: FortuneUSA Today

Anti-American Actions:

Disney is one of the companies that has regularly criticized conservative states, such as Georgia, for passing pro-life laws. However, it bowed down to the Chinese Communist Party when it filmed “Mulan” and refused to publicly condemn the enslavement of Muslims in China.

Sources: BBCVox

Promoting Leftist Propaganda:

Woke entertainment giant Disney has been exposed for promoting an aggressive LGBT agenda in their content after the corporation came out strongly against Florida’s parental rights legislation.

“Videos posted on Twitter by an investigative journalist appear to show multiple Disney officials pushing a progressive LGBT agenda on employees as the company finds itself in the middle of a political firestorm surrounding the parental rights bill, HB 1557, in Florida,” Fox News reported.

Source: Fox News

Take the pledge to boycott Disney and their products until they STOP promoting leftist propaganda to children pandering to Communist China!


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